I love such philosophical questions. I will answer you - you need to work much, or rather plow on your reputation and are not afraid of any work. An example of success from scratch is Nikita Izmailov. Who he just did not work before getting into a large international company - https://corezoid.com/blog/aSquad-izmailov-Interview/. But he did not stop at the achieved, but created his fund, whose portfolio is growing every year, as well as successful startups that he introduced.
I love such philosophical questions. I will answer you - you need to work much, or rather plow on your reputation and are not afraid of any work. An example of success from scratch is Nikita Izmailov. Who he just did not work before getting into a large international company - https://corezoid.com/blog/aSquad-izmailov-Interview/. But he did not stop at the achieved, but created his fund, whose portfolio is growing every year, as well as successful startups that he introduced.